A winter scene rock painting idea is perfect for hiding during these cold winter days. They also make fantastic winter decorations and gift. Practice your blending skills and break out your paint pens, this stone painting tutorial is perfect for all skill levels.
Winter Scene Rock Painting Idea
There is something so peaceful about a fresh coat of snow on the ground.
You don’t have to have loads of painting experience to create this beautiful winter scene. Just a bit of practice!
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Step by step instructions for this winter painted rock
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I started today with a black basecoat on my rock. Start with a layer along the bottom of white. This allows time to dry in case you need a second coat.
Next, you need to blend your background. Start near the top with a dark blue paint pen and then add in some light blue below and a bit in between.
101 Tip: When blending your backgrounds make sure to work while your paint is a bit wet. If it is soaking into the rock too much let your base layer dry completely then blend with a second coat on top.
Using a brush or your pen tips blend your background together. When using a brush you want a very little amount of water. Also, a very very light touch with the brush so you don’t wipe off the paint.
Now go in with your white again to snug the snow line up to the bottom of your sky.
When your sky is dry you can start adding on winter trees.
For trees that have lost their leaves start at the trunk and pull out to add your branches.
For an evergreen or pine tree give yourself a center line. Then start at the tip and wiggle your tip back and forth to create a zig-zag that gets wider and wider towards the base. Then go in and add a second zig-zag going the opposite direction.
Let your black dry completely before adding on your snow. Decide which tree will be in front and add the snow to that one first. With your white start adding little bits of snow by allowing your tip to skip along the top of the branches.
Last you can add some falling snow by dotting around in the sky.
This winter rock painting idea is a great rock for building your blending and layering skills!
How to paint a snow scene on rocks!
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