Learn how to paint an oak tree onto a rock with this simple step by step video tutorial. Perfect for giving as gifts or hiding around town.
How to paint an oak tree
We wouldn’t have a complete nature section on the website without painting a basic oak tree! We have created tree tutorials in the past, mostly with paint pens. So today I am grabbing my acrylics and breaking down the basic tree structure for you.
I love to paint trees! There are so many different options of shape, color, and size you can create. Changing out oranges and yellow will quickly take this tree into fall. Making it wider instead of taller changes it into a whole different kind of tree altogether.
An oak tree is pretty classic as far as tree structures go. So once you get the basic design down you can easily adjust it to fit just about any tree you want to create!
Make sure to watch the full-length tutorial at the bottom to get all the step by step directions!
Painting Tree Rocks
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Supplies to create this oak tree rock
For today’s tree, I am using my acrylic paints. A mix of Deco Art and Craftsmart.
I have a few different brushes all from the same set. You can work with what you have. A liner brush and a slightly larger brush, mine was a 5, and you will be set!
CLICK HERE to see ALL of our FAVORITE rock painting supplies!
Watch the Full Rock Painting Video Tutorial!
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