Create beautiful Easter rocks that are perfect for hiding, gifting, or decorating. Get inspired with this collection of Easter egg rocks, adorable chick rocks, happy bunny rocks and more!
Easter Rocks
In several of my rock painting groups, I’ve heard people talking about hiding Easter rocks this year instead of eggs. Personally, I think this is an amazing idea!! I mean who wants to find a tired egg (unless it has chocolate in it…) when you can find a beautifully painted rock! To get your local Easter rock hunt going, here are some ideas to inspire your holiday rock painting!
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Easter Egg Rock Painting Ideas
From fun patterns to bright colors, you can create rocks to look just like Easter eggs! Some of these Easter egg rock painting ideas are even cuter and they’re all perfect for beginners.
Mandala Style Easter Egg Rock | Rock Painting 101
Create Easter egg rocks using the fun Mandala style painting!
Eggs painted on rocks | Twitchetts
Using foam brushes and some painters tape, you can paint fun eggs onto your rocks.
Simple Rock Eggs | No Time for Flash Cards
Sometimes all you need to do is grab a brush and paint!
Egg Dotted Rocks | madmathsu
Grab your dotters and create beautiful egg-shaped painted rocks!
Chick Rock Painting Inspiration
Those little adorable chicks are popping up all over, this Easter! Get inspired by these chick rock painting ideas!
Painted Chick Easter Rock | Rock Painting 101
How adorable is this painted chick!!
Before and After Chick Rocks | Cindy Thomas Painted Rocks
I just love this before and after chick rock!
Painted Stone Chicks | Red Ted Art
OK, so technically these are ducks…but they would also make the cutest chicks!
Circle Shaped Chicks | mie.steen
I love the simple shape of these chick rocks.
Chick rock painting | CrackerJacksAndArbuckles
I’m pretty sure these are one of the most fun chick rock painting ideas I’ve seen!
Easter Bunny Painted Rocks
What would an Easter rocks roundup be without some adorable bunny painted rocks?
Easter Bunny Rock | Rock Painting 101
This bunny rock just makes me smile!!
Manga Style Bunny Rabit | Ruffles and Rain Boots
This rabbit is too cute!! I love it’s big eyes! Check out the full tutorial to paint this little guy!
Bunny Silhouette | vickyfriisjaeger
I love these two bunnies just sitting under the tree. Such a fun rock painting idea!
Adorable bunny stones | Unicatella
I love that she turned the whole rock into a bunny!
Bunny Silhouettes | firefly426
Paint simple silhouettes in front of egg rocks. Too cute!
Other Easter rock ideas
What would an Easter rocks roundup be without some adorable bunny painted rocks?
He Has Risen Painted Rock | Rock Painting 101
This twist on the zendangle style of rock painting is a fun way to celebrate that He has risen!!
Resurrection Story Stones | That Bald Chick
I am in love with these story stones. What a perfect way to share the story of Easter with your kids!
Bunny Footprints | Smart School House
These bunny feet are too cute! They would be a cute addition to any Easter hunt!Zendangle Cross Rock | Rock Painting 101
We’re obsessed with Dangle rocks and this cross rock is perfect for Easter!
I hope you enjoyed this collection of Easter rocks! Which rock painting idea will you try first? I’ll continue to add to this roundup whenever I see an amazing Easter painted rock, so make sure to check back!
Pin these painted rocks to your favorite Pinterest board!