Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Susie and I’m a rock painter.
Well, I will start by stating the obvious… I love to paint rocks! Growing up I was the kid that every single notepad or paper lying around me was bound to have a little doodle on it somewhere. However, putting those doodles onto rocks is something fairly new to me.
I work from home as a creator of a kids craft blog. We were really enjoying this rock painting movement and we’re busy coming up with fun rock painting ideas for kids. Mostly because my kids LOVE rock hunting! Rock hunting and hiding was tapping into my kids’ creativity, getting them out and about in nature, and was introducing them to random acts of kindness. It wasn’t until I found myself sitting at the kitchen table for hours after my kids were done painting, that I realized, “I might like this more than them!”
I knew I wasn’t alone as I had already stumbled onto lots of rock painting groups on Facebook filled with adults that were in my position. They just loved painting rocks!
So I started a Facebook Group as a place where other beginners could come and find tutorials and inspiration on how to paint rocks… A Facebook Page shortly followed, then came this website.
After my first few Facebook live videos and a couple comparisons to Bob Ross, I knew I had a knack for this. My mom was an art teacher so maybe it’s in my blood. The fact is that seeing and hearing stories of people painting their first rocks, from my videos, makes me jump up and down for joy! Seeing people’s creative spark for the first time in their life is exciting. And I get to be part of it!
However, I am no Bob Ross, I do not paint rocks to be sold at craft shows. I will never create a portrait of a dog, or my daughter, onto a rock. The rocks I create are for beginners, like me. Designs and instructions that are hopefully doable and a good jumping off point for new creations. I hope one day you learn the skills to move past the Rock Painting 101 stage and can attempt anything you see on Pinterest. I’m just happy to be a place where you get started.
Welcome to Rock Painting 101
Check out the answers to the 5 most asked rock painting questions here!